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Get a complete look at how your courses make money. With a few clicks, see how your earnings change over time, across different courses, and find out which ones are your top sellers.
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a man in a suit and tie standing with his arms crossed
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Watch how your revenue grows. Filter your revenue by day, week, or month, whatever makes sense for you. Get a better understanding of how your sales are doing, to plan great things ahead.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
Easily Understand Your Revenue Breakdown by Courses
Get to know which courses bring in the most money. Look at how each course is doing, to understand what works. This provides you a guide you as to where to focus your efforts next.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
Instantly Discover Your Top-Selling Courses
Find your best-selling courses to see what’s catching your audience’s interest. You'll have all the data to enable you for making smart marketing moves.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
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