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Explore the Depth of Student Engagement

Understand your students better with detailed metrics. Learn about their level of engagement across different days, courses, and weeks. Transform raw data into actionable plans to take your courses from good to GREAT.
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a man in a suit and tie standing with his arms crossed
Learn More About your Learners
Unlock the Patterns: Track Student Engagement Over Time
Delve into daily or monthly analytics to see how regularly of student interact with your courses. Craft a schedule that makes sense for your students and aligns with their pace, to ensure a steady learning journey.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
Measure the Impact Each Course Has on Your Learners
Peek into the impact of your courses by time students dedicate to each. This understanding aids in tweaking and realigning your course content, paving the way for a more resonant learning experience.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
Identify Active Days for Better Interaction
Spot the days when students are most active and shape engagement strategies to their routine. Optimize interactions on these active days to nurture a vibrant learning environment and amplify the overall effectiveness of the course.
A woman selling securely sits stress free in a lotus position
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Why Training Institutes choose Learnyst