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Learner Verification

Verify learner mobile number during sign-ups using OTP verification.


1-100 Learners
101-500 Learners
501-1000 Learners
1001-2500 Learners
- School will be moved to higher plan depending on the usages. We follow Fair Billing Policy
- We will charge ₹2,000 for every 10000 Learners once your school crosses the highest plan.




Using Learner verification add-on you can verify learner mobile numbers at the time of signup. Here’s how:

• Verify learner mobile number using OTP
Learners’ mobile numbers are verified at the time of signup with a unique OTP.

• Monitor OTP verification status
You can check the status of the OTP sent to your learners.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the Learner Verification add-on?
In this add-on, you can verify the learner’s mobile number during signups using OTP verification.
How am I charged for this addon?
Once you subscribe to this add-on you will be charged per month or per year based on your subscription plan.
What happens if I exceed my limit?
If you exceed your plan limit, we will move you to the next higher plan and charge you in your next billing cycle.
Can I cancel my add-on any time?
Yes, you can unsubscribe to the add-on anytime. You can go to the particular add-on in your admin dashboard, go to Plan & Usage & click on Unsubscribe.
How will I be charged if I exceed the limit? What is the fair billing policy?
You will be charged based on a fair billing policy in case you exceed the limit. You will only have to pay the lowest price according to your usage/plan.
Can I cancel my add-on any time?
Yes, you can Unsubscribe to the add-on anytime. You can go to the particular add-on in your admin dashboard, go to Plan & Usage & click on Unsubscribe.

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